Wednesday, June 9, 2010

'raven Riley Kates Playground'

Rosario.Argentina GAC \u200b\u200bGrupo de Arte Callejero

"For the last 5 years than in the GAC work from the need to create a space where art and politics are part of the same production mechanism.
is why when it comes to defining our work, we blur the limits between the concepts of activism and art, and acquire a higher value used mechanisms for reporting and real confrontation opportunities that are given within a context.
From the beginning we decided to find a space to communicate visually to escape the traditional exhibition circuit, taking as a misappropriation of public spaces.
Our work methodology is aimed primarily at undermining the mensajes institucionales vigentes (por ejemplo: el código vial, el cartel publicitario, la estética del espectáculo televisivo, etc) y abarca desde la intervención gráfica hasta la acción performática; teniendo en cuenta que los códigos no funcionan de igual manera en cada lugar, ya que cada población posee características culturales propias. Nuestra producción busca infiltrarse en el lenguaje del sistema y provocar desde allí pequeños quiebres, fallas, alteraciones, para desenmascarar o hacer evidentes los juegos de relación del poder, a través de la denuncia.
Generalmente nuestra obra es vista por el espectador casual que se encuentra transitando ese espacio de la ciudad, por lo cual This production is aimed at enabling the reading of the work but without giving up some of the complexity inherent in the symbolic language.
rarely includes the signature in the productions. Most of our work has an anonymous, which emphasizes the ambiguity of its origin, as these could have been deviations from the same system (misrepresentation). Sometimes tends to attribute the authorship of them to other groups, without constituting an inconvenience is more, we encourage the re-appropriation of our work and methodologies by groups or individuals with similar interests to ours.
adopt an attitude of "mobility" in the choice of methodologies, a variety of criteria that allows us to move and re-locate to overcome the absorption and disruption it imposes any dominant power.
Usually our actions do not fall within a legal framework, but this will not prevent us from aspiring to acquire legitimacy in the field of artistic and political, that is extending the boundaries of what is allowed in this area. That's why we also choose to work with other groups, both human rights organizations, such as artists' collectives or individuals, creating a dynamic production that is in constant change due to exchange with others.
reading every action falls in the action itself. It is not the logic of the system where you can read the impact and is within the emerging context from which must be interpreted and generated, because if not deeply understand the context from which emerges a work, we can not read her whether or not to go beyond the current logic of globalization system. "

Link to PDF of the book " GAC Shares Thoughts Practices "


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