Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is Icing Veins Goodfor The Pain

South America
Galápagos-Ecuador Volcano
Capurgana-Colombia Playa

Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Fairy Tales Lice Shampoo Work

Americas Chile Christmas

"Portada de Antofagasta"

La Portada Natural Monument - Antofagasta Chile

Located north of the city of Antofagaasta National Monument The home is located in the middle of the sea, becoming one favorite attraction for tourists.
Located 50 meters above sea level, this relief formed by volcanic rock dating back over a hundred million years before Christ, covers an area of \u200b\u200b31.27 hectares.
The home owes its name to the sea transgressions and regressions due to the lifting of the offshore platform, which eroded the coast and relief. This also led to what today is an incredible visual picture, inserted in the waters unsuitable for swimming.
National Monument can be appreciated from a viewpoint that also offers catering services for visitors.


Torres del Paine. Chile

The National Park Torres del Paine is one of the components of National System of Protected Areas of the State of Chile . In 2006, covered an area of \u200b\u200b242,242 has about. It is one of the largest parks in the country and one of the most important. It is the third most visits, of which about 75% are foreign tourists, especially Europeans.
National Park is located 112 km north of Puerto Natales and 312 of the city of Punta Arenas . It is one of the eleven existing protected areas in Magallanes and Antártica Chilena (along with four other national parks, three national reserves and three national monuments). Overall, the protected areas cover 51% of the surface of the region (6,728,744 ha). Bordered on the north by the Glacier National Park in Argentina .
The park was created on May 13, 1959. In 1977, Guido Monzino donated 12,000 hectares (30,000 acres) to the Government of Chile, and settled definite limits. [ a ] Unesco declared it a Biosphere Reserve the April 28, 1978.
The park has a variety of natural environments: mountains (among which the complex of Cerro Paine, whose main peak reaches 3,050 meters , the Torres del Paine and Horns of Paine ) valleys, rivers (such as Paine River), lakes (known as highlighting Grey, Pehoé , Nordenskjöld and Sarmiento ) glaciers (Grey , Pingo , Tyndall and Geikie, belonging to the Southern Patagonian Ice Field ).

Torres del Paine, Chile

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poems For Cell Respiration

How To Switch Spots On Oovoo

It's Cold

Marcy By Impex Cable Routing

Ashford Castle

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dickies Singapore Location

Vaupes Colombia Colombia


How To Make Drivers License Invitations


Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Dedicated to
Colombian friend and his beautiful country.

Hawaiian English Translation Phrase

Joaquín Sorolla "La Alberca"

1910 Alcazar de Sevilla Joaquín Sorolla

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prelude To Tokugawa Walkthrough

From the World of Dreams

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Professional Chest Wax

The Peaceful Islet

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wearing Tight Boxers Slows Penis Growth?

Bath House Glory Holes Us


Friday, November 5, 2010

Smoking After Hernia In Stomach Surgery

Be Kind To Animals N. Rockwell Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell:

Be Kind To Animals

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Long Do You Charge A New Mopred Battery


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Movie Birthday Party Wording

Pressure In Abdomen, Tired, Moody, Going Toilet

The Tower Bridge in England

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wella Koleston Perfect Color Starter Kit


much @ s sure you have heard some catching this fish, a species listed as a trophy but for lovers of sport fishing, but not very common to see them, are very elusive and look for places deeply hidden between branches or grasses to hide, but a dip in these lakes last Saturday, I was lucky enough to photograph and film the Blak-bass in its natural habitat.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Masterburate With Shower Head

"LIZARD" PRE-bellowing

into the fall, if we walk in the countryside a beautiful sunny afternoon like this one from 25, we are "stupid," nice as this, which still remains as elusive, not moving to our presence perhaps knowing that perhaps one of his last opportunities to take a "sunbathing."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back Wax For Menst Louis Mo

This group of deer quietly grazing under the old oak on the evening of August, pending its most hectic season that is already very close, bellowing, spectacle worth seeing.
In the Quintos de Mora, weather and the competent authority does not prevent it (in fact lately is resting place for our Presis) can be admired in all its glory.

How Much Does It Cost To Cap A Tooth With Siver


This "little animal, half fish and half worm, commonly found on rocky bottoms of the Mediterranean, this particular intended to pose for posterity kept showing her "tabs", what ever you saw a fish with those tabs? jejeje, a small price.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Building A Bbq Island Forum

Oscar Muñoz (Colombia) by Federico Suhurt

Colombian artist, born in Popayan, a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Cali.

an artist is characterized by the use of photographic media and mechanical impressions. In these works, the author raises the question of identity, social, political and the disappearance of people.


Muñoz In this work raises the issue of Greek myth through a pool of water on which to draw his portrait with a thin layer of coal dust, it begins to be corrupted and deformed by the passage of water and its movement. Thus the author puts us in a clear parallel between the reflection of Narcissus in a reservoir of water, which drowns trying to reach him, and the decomposition of the portrait of Muñoz, showing the futility of obsessive love itself. With this work the author presents us also that our youth is fleeting and desvanescente.


are a set of polished steel mirrors printed with invisible images achieved with half fat that tarnished the image becomes visible. The images of people were missing for political persecution. Muñoz metaphorically about this topic tries to position them to the viewer, his breath fogging the same images appear and disappear to leave moisture sprouting its own reflection, and presents us with the idea of \u200b\u200bdisappearance and forgetfulness, as we to believe that our image is superior to that memory or primary.

Re / Treatment

Here the artist presents a series footage of the process of creating drawings (portraits) made with brush and water on concrete. When passing the wet brush on the concrete it leaves a mark that lasts a few seconds until the cement absorbs all the moisture and the mark disappears. As in the previous works, we see a clear set of appearance and disappearance of metaphors and forgotten.

an artist I find it highly interesting and valuable for the achievement of its strong metaphors but without resorting to high-tech items (like many artists where denotes a cloying and temptation of technology that often become obsolete or confusing the message, without grace) and creates his work with everyday items. In the work of this artist materiality, consistency, fluidity and physical properties of the object are very important and carefully chosen.

Federico Suhurt