Thursday, May 27, 2010

Linsey Dawen Mc Kenzey

Marcela Levi, Brazil

In-organic (2007)

Synopsis: Twenty feet pearl necklace, a embalmed beef head, hair and invisible to the back of a bicycle light are objects -mejor dicho, subjetos (objetos desplazados, desfuncionalizados y subjetivados)- que Marcela Levi utiliza en la performance.

moments of the performance

In-organic not use movement as a mere display but tries to frame it within a discourse.

Although this piece has some special moments paused not make it easy for the public, is an example of good writing. The scenes unfold with both delicacy and movements of objects as used in the right measure to create a set full of aesthetic and semantic coherence. Ie not even need anything left over, everything is linked together and the end of the work emerges a clear and strong message.

The artist uses a few objects, only a stuffed bull's head, a very long string of pearls, a dress and a flashing bicycle. Without doubt, this is commendable restraint. With these few items and timely use of music, Marc develops a series of moves and related actions a minimal narrative. In the interior of Sao Paulo, the Cowboys choose their brides pouring the rope around the neck like cattle. They like them as well. This Hitori is repeated and finally tells a different story. In the interior of Sao Paolo, there was a murder and the photographer who covered the funeral won an award for the story. A mother had lost her son in a shooting and watched her body. The photographer took the picture without flash to give greater naturalness and realism to the scene. They like them as well. This parallels the end of the story highlights the sensitivity of cork from the violent Brazilian society.

Marcela Levi the end of the debate insisted that his play does not revolve only around a feminist discourse. It is true that at the bottom of the overall situation of society, not just women. However one of the greatest culprits in this situation is perhaps a brutal mentality that is linked largely to the masculinist culture. So maybe it is a feminist piece, in the best sense of the word that concerns us all.

(text taken from here)

Time Warner Cable Remote Samsung Blu-ray

"The artist is present" by Marina Abramovic

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With the title The Artist is Present ( The artist is this ) in the MOMA , Abramovic is the subject of most retrospective that has been devoted in America, recognizing, of course, especially in his role as innovative performer . why one of the highlights of the exhibition will be his presence in a series of artistic interventions in which will use your body as a subject object and medium to explore their limits niv the physical and mental.

It will reprise one of his most memorable performances, imponderabilia , presented in 1977 . In the the man and woman stand naked facing each other leaving a narrow space between the stockings should go here the viewers who want to participate, the igiendo which of the two wants to bring more. But besides all this s interventions in the sample exhibit through photos or videos of the era in which they began to perform.

is scheduled every day artist offers a display, so that total is expected to spend over 700 hours to show various performances. The longest of the pieces will be here the the where Abramovic sits alone at a table passively inviting people to sit in front of the the all the time you want. Yes, always within the opening hours d the museum. This and other creative interventions can be viewed live via web d the museum. "

Abramovic slashing was recorded again and again between his fingers, lying under a ski the ethoxyquin and causing it to be stirred to the sound of your breathing, "posed nude in front of a museum face to face with the German Laysiepen Uwe Frank (known as Ulay), who was his artistic partner and lover for twelve years. If the public wanted to go through here the door had to squeeze inevitably between their two naked bodies. Years later, fans were at opposite ends of the Great Wall China and walked one after the d other. For the three months were found, separated forever and each went its own way.

A Marina Abramovic seems to like to underline its current isolation charismatic this retrospective which mixes documentary, the virtual and the unreal. There will be projections of his old performances but also recreations of the same by others.

(Text extracted from here)

view live performance at MoMA

until May 30, 2010

Margarita Bucket Large Amount

Santiago Sierra


Kunst Werke. Berli n, Germany. September 2000

This work is an adaptation of those in Guatemala and New York, which was introduced for workers in cardboard boxes under different circumstances. In this case, six workers remained for four hours a day for six weeks, in these cases, must collect secretly paid for his condition political exiles. German law gives the exiled 80 marks per month (about $ 40) and forbids him to work under threat of political persecution back to their country of origin. The details of this work could not therefore be made public at the time. The exiles came from Chechnya.


Matucana 100, Santiago de Chile. December 2007

TRAP was made to be provided exclusively by individuals affiliated in one way or another, the world of culture, which were called one by one settles into a long wooden walkway. At one point the road saw the guest in the middle of a theater with 186 Peruvian workers at him without saying a word. Unable to leave at that point, had to retrace their steps, but the hallway and did not lead to the starting point but the street where a policeman gave back the keys to his car and thanked him for his presence.



Matucana 100, Santiago de Chile. December 2007

were hired for 7,000 Chilean pesos (15 dollars) and a snack to 184 Peruvian workers to perform this series of photographs and for an action that took place in the same space.

Santiago Sierra (Madrid, 1966) graduated in Fine Arts from the University Complutense de Madrid. He has lived in Hamburg and lives since 1995 in Mexico, where he continued his studies in School of San Carlos de Autonomous University of Mexico.

Sierra's art, loaded with social and political demands from the beginning, attempt to show the absurdity of the established power relations and highlight the problems that entails for the population of capitalist economy. All interventions involve a brainstorming exercise where artistic production plays a strategic role. Sierra

works primarily photography, video and, above all, the performances. In the latter discipline performs actions in which citizen participation is rewarded monetarily or in kind to emphasize the effects of the capitalist economy on workers. Taking as its starting point the minimalism of the mid-60's, Sierra intends to show how space, body and human relations are dominated by market forces.

Owners Manual Fleetwood Ex 30ntravel Trailer

The working class family, Oscar Bony, 1968

"Experience '68" at the Instituto Di Tella, Oscar Bony screened live on the family of a worker Die (with his wife and son) hired at double his usual salary to do their daily life during the visiting hours of the sample. The family was shown live on the stage of an exhibition hall.

The controversy started soon given the political connotations, economic and social thought to find in the work.
So right-wing groups considered that the display offended religious feelings by representing a parody of the Holy Family. But it was also offensive to leftist groups or labor unions did not accept live show is a family of workers, as a curiosity.

Without ruling out the ideological baggage that accompanied the presentation of this work should not be ignored that the decade of the "60 was testing for the arts in our country, while there were signs of political repression.

The only apparent interest Bony was to demonstrate that the family could hire a salary equal to that perceived by the householder at the factory. But between one and another contract was an economic difference behind because, if the employer would seize the "goodwill", which in theory Marxist economic understood that part of the unpaid worker's wage.
All these speculations were the source of controversy that were outrageous for the time.

(texo extracted from here, see full story x Juio Portela)

Family Intervention Workers Today urban


Anonymous - Buenos Aires, 2000.
formulation from the work of Bony

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rememberance Language Wedding Program

Diego Melero

In front of their class, artist, sociologist and coach Diego Melero

the gym with Plato *
Abs and philosophy, unpublished assembly

never fails: a good poster of Body Systems, the multinational company that creates fitness programs, can make any place look like a gym, even without tools and without electronic music. In this well-known sociologist Diego Melero, bodybuilding coach and artist focused on installations and performances in relation to politics, "that put one in Beauty and Happiness Space: there, on Wednesdays, at 18, taught political philosophy the gym, a series of classes where he teaches exercise alternating with ... a discussion on current political and theoretical approach taking classical thought.
Melero had the idea while training bodybuilding routines, seeing how they behaved and what they were saying those attending classes. 'Many of the topics was about current affairs at all levels, the economic consequences in their lives and their expectations for progress.
It's Wednesday, and a small group attending the class, in the basement of Acuña de Figueroa 900. Some are The Republic of Plato, under the arm. It projects a video without sound of British band Dr. Feelgood and speaker emits very loud symphonies 74, 75 and 76, Franz Joseph Haydn.
After a series of squats and lunges, those that are good for quads and glutes, "Melero Announces floor exercises. And change the subject: "Some of you were reading the books 5 and 8 of The Republic, Plato" Then stretching weights
students (actually, bottles of water half a liter). "Get back to back and move her arms as if rowing," she says. Now they are in the Ionian Sea, arriving to the Adriatic. This is an exercise today and always. Back when Plato made three trips to the Magna Greece to advise the tyrant Dionysius and Dion. I wanted to take them and they made a more just government, advised by philosophers, that come close to an aristocracy. "
Haydn's music makes each attendee to move dramatically, although there is heard Could it be that it hurts your shoulder? again on the floor, all are placed face up and open and close the arms, working the chest. One student mentioned that the book 8 Plato speaks of two cities (states): one poor and one rich. "Just like now," he concludes.
a six-pack to the class. "At last we have the habit of putting Madonna," said Melendez. And so catchy rhythm and Hang Up Sorry more bearable harder exercises. After stretching, each participant picks up her copy of The Republic for read their favorite parts and compare them to today.
As the philosopher Lou Marinoff, author of the bestseller More Plato and Prozac least, is convinced that the philosophical and own and that of the great intellectual, is more useful to people to solve their problems than the very psychology Melendez says the classics of political philosophy used to understand the political reality of today. "Read Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Montesquieu, and Marx, rather than move to the past, connects us with situations that have not changed, such as mortgage debts, bankruptcies, the division of spoils after the war, tension between the individual and the State.

Melina V. Dorfman

* Published in print edition THE NATION
Friday May 4, 2007


"The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" (1999) Performance, painting on paper Dimensions variable

"The need for a philosophical religion between revolution and state"

"From bondage to the organization indiana state powers " Performance / Location: University of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo: H. Irigoyen 1430

" Property, State and Labor in the very late capitalism" . Performance / Submitted by Expotrastiendas

"The State in a time of Financial Control (2004) Performance

"The political catechism of the Leisure Class" painting installation at the Crossroads of Arts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Siwash Knitting Pattern

rallyconourbano Munro / anger and decadence 2006

On Saturday 27 May (2006) was held rallyconurbano second year. The event was organized / coordinated by Diego Melendez, Ricardo Bravo and Martin Di Peco. At 14:30 gathered at Puente Saavedra: Albano García, Hernán Barsanti, Jennifer Flores, Ignacio Queralt, Ricardo Bravo , Victoria Márquez, Martín Di Peco, Marina Zuccon , Magdalena Jitrik, Julia Codina , Diego Melero, Natalia Muñoa , Mint , Nadia Berenstein, Sacerdoti Mariela and Diego Collins.

The big poster Peace gives the general framework for the meeting:
"We welcome .... income payers." Political catechism tax ruling class is expressed in one of the doors of the suburbs. Montoya attacked again (and go ....)

One by one the campers arrive, and when complete the group began the rally for the Av Maipú to the train station. His side street is now a pedestrian show called "Passage Croatia" (after the bombing)
We went down the stairs to the ticket , and take advantage of the queue waiting to devote a few sentences Virgin the inevitable the road, which shares the bill at other stops in Gauchito Gil. Aristobulus Valley as is "buried " (what makes it unique in the province) has lifts on each platform, which for budgetary reasons were neatly hidden with the restoration work. It seems that the privatized will generate another control point tickets and extra cost of maintenance, we detail Ricardo.
While awaiting the arrival of training, we were delighted with the great dome of poured concrete and stained glass enigmatic. Mint secretly begins to take off a poster that caught his attention.

already on board, we felt very safe with the presence of men "Hunter Safety" meditate on its etymology
longing not to shoot "for sport."

The future is offered to our hands, in 2006 with all the horoscope predictions for every sign, just a coin. Background sounds "DJ ambulant, which does not stop the hits of the Chaco click Palavecino. We

Munro, the "zone tricolor": The space station is the meeting point of the bar "Cole." We go away quietly on Avenida Velez Sarfield east, where the celebration May 25 (con) fused with the pre-World Cup frenzy. Albicelestes flags give the illusion of continuity to the landscape: hanging by the municipality in light poles, tied in a balcony or terrace, and street stall selling as is.

At Mitre Avenue, the shopping center axis Munro, a neighbor surprising historical data is overwhelming with the neighborhood: "This street was named Fund of the League, because it corresponded to the old layout of the funding of land overlooking the river and measuring 1 mile long. "testimony and we appreciate our course by duplicating the old pavement on the north coast profile.

We stop at the first milestone. A replica of the Statue of Liberty in fiberglass supported on a marquee. It was the best advertisement for the now abandoned "Supermarket Minimac . The occasion is ideal for group photo . licks Albano rubbing his hands and shoots.

We now turn to the south into the first gallery. There we met the great ombú cut. The environment is excellent for a readings on the anger and the decline: In anticipation of all climbs and recites Ricardo vehement Ferrovías your ticket that got you here. Martin gets excited and read excerpts from " futuristic architecture" of Sant 'Elia, "The Decadent French " Juan Ritvo and " Ruins" by Georg Simmel. Victoria comes alive with some poems of Oliver Diego Girondo and wearily reading the lucid comments via e-mail sent from Salta by our friend Luke .

to complete the whole journey, we drove dodging the gallery of studies "Lumiton." There, in small steps from where the Tota Santillán recorded his "Passion of the Sabbath" concentrates more intensely local action: restoration of the national cinema museum, building the film school of Vicente Lopez and construction of a dry place as a framework the future "exhibition of nations." Where they had generated "spontaneously" a track skaters now dominate the geography two small sources. In what way can avoid the estates monopoly on the use of space public?

With the excuse to cut way let us be tempted by the bright colors and the roof of the last alucarnado gallery, where we witness a championship frantic "Pampita" (local slang for "pump it up" choreographic game emulation) Jennifer and Nadia are shocked at the ability of our dancers. Leaving the main
find the second (and identical) Statue of Liberty, now on the roof of the gallery "of the manufacturers."

Marina and Natalia, seduced by the incredible offers, decide it's a good time to renew the placard. The rest of the group faces the second stage of the rally

From there we walked several yards to the stop 343, which takes us about 15 blocks west. While lowering the collective, Ignacio change the batteries in your camera does not miss a detail. Separating

either side large factories and small houses discover the "Ader tower" or "Tower of Italians." The mysterious tower is presented as similar to the English, but as disjointed, out of context, and without a clock. Although measured anyway time: at that time the afternoon sun tinged with an even more intense red bricks monument of Villa Adelina. Diego Hernán and complain about not being able to climb to its summit, is not open to the public on weekends.

Corridos by the sunset, we continued our march a few blocks to the "holding area" (the collective). Magdalena's skin crawls at bitter memories, "Could not they put another name? Stop would have been nice ...."
beside the point, the 333 (go number) is not expected, and leads quickly to "City Diarco." In the old supermarket Kangaroo, the first in the country, is hosting the fair imitation, mainly clothing and footwear "brand" price "unchecked." But also impacting sales jobs pets (iguanas to chickens), home appliances and mp3 used.
To finish the day up high, Ricardo improvises a mini-tournament of yew-mail, in which Victoria was self-declared champion. Meanwhile, Julia and Mario are taken very seriously and will take from rallyconurbano sparks Karting track, armed after the fair.

Martin Di Peco 05/06/1929

text and images extracted from