Untitled (Stairs) 2001 Mixed media 3750 x 220 x 5800 mm |
A matérica configuration register of the things the artist works with objects and architectural molds. Use colors and materials such as plaster, resin, rubber, rubber, fiberglass, cement dental, etc. Whiteread parts are solid blocks where the interior space of the objects is reversed out, ie, they are presented in negative (produced from casting molds from the inside of objects)
thus reveals the beneath the surface of everyday objects. The empty space that have tables, bathtubs, chairs, beds, doors.
In the perception of his works, quasi-objects, combines the feeling of being faced with something familiar and at the same time surreal. His pieces are sculptures in the traditional way, ie a volume foundries, but the space that surrounds it. Capture this space and is presented by highlighting the opposing concepts of full and empty, inviting us to reflect on the public and privacy and the presence and absence.
Untitled (Pink Torso) 1991 dental plaster pink |
"House" 1993 |
For the purposes of this work I find it important to highlight the play "House", which I believe is related to the content addressed in the exchanged among other things for his character monumental, its implementation in a particular context that contributes to the reading of the work and resource utilization transdiscipline in its realization. All of these features, discussing the notion of traditional art, to bring out a crossover of the arts and the selection of resources according to the message you are looking materialize. Dahiana
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