Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back Wax For Menst Louis Mo

This group of deer quietly grazing under the old oak on the evening of August, pending its most hectic season that is already very close, bellowing, spectacle worth seeing.
In the Quintos de Mora, weather and the competent authority does not prevent it (in fact lately is resting place for our Presis) can be admired in all its glory.

How Much Does It Cost To Cap A Tooth With Siver


This "little animal, half fish and half worm, commonly found on rocky bottoms of the Mediterranean, this particular intended to pose for posterity kept showing her "tabs", what ever you saw a fish with those tabs? jejeje, a small price.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Building A Bbq Island Forum

Oscar Muñoz (Colombia) by Federico Suhurt

Colombian artist, born in Popayan, a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Cali.

an artist is characterized by the use of photographic media and mechanical impressions. In these works, the author raises the question of identity, social, political and the disappearance of people.


Muñoz In this work raises the issue of Greek myth through a pool of water on which to draw his portrait with a thin layer of coal dust, it begins to be corrupted and deformed by the passage of water and its movement. Thus the author puts us in a clear parallel between the reflection of Narcissus in a reservoir of water, which drowns trying to reach him, and the decomposition of the portrait of Muñoz, showing the futility of obsessive love itself. With this work the author presents us also that our youth is fleeting and desvanescente.


are a set of polished steel mirrors printed with invisible images achieved with half fat that tarnished the image becomes visible. The images of people were missing for political persecution. Muñoz metaphorically about this topic tries to position them to the viewer, his breath fogging the same images appear and disappear to leave moisture sprouting its own reflection, and presents us with the idea of \u200b\u200bdisappearance and forgetfulness, as we to believe that our image is superior to that memory or primary.

Re / Treatment

Here the artist presents a series footage of the process of creating drawings (portraits) made with brush and water on concrete. When passing the wet brush on the concrete it leaves a mark that lasts a few seconds until the cement absorbs all the moisture and the mark disappears. As in the previous works, we see a clear set of appearance and disappearance of metaphors and forgotten.

an artist I find it highly interesting and valuable for the achievement of its strong metaphors but without resorting to high-tech items (like many artists where denotes a cloying and temptation of technology that often become obsolete or confusing the message, without grace) and creates his work with everyday items. In the work of this artist materiality, consistency, fluidity and physical properties of the object are very important and carefully chosen.

Federico Suhurt

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Florida Cpa License Course Requirements

Martin Molinaro (Santa Fe-Argentina) by Amneris Merlo

Artist: Martin Molinaro, Argentine artist, born on February 1, 1971 in Rafaela, Santa Fe

chose Martin Molinaro, because the line was very interested in following their work, the line that I see as signature in all his performances and photographic series shows the same red dress. Also I find regarding this matter, because his work takes over the space, giving (in my humble opinion) a new significance. For example, his series "Project Akua" , was held in Caracas in a village far from any center of contemporary art, there was installed outside the house of culture in squat, dressed in red and surrounded by one hundred full showers water. He waited until a little girl and wet dared watering a plant, then the spectators cheered. The action lasted three hours, until it emptied the last shower, each spectator took his shower.

Another of his works is "Red Man" , is a series of photographs that record the artist dressed in red with a black briefcase, standing, always the same position in different parts of the world.


is the red man
What do you think the red man?
not move
is standing ...
not advance
back has only a suitcase
There is the red man
What's in that bag?
This is your back
profile front So
These are your feet
There is the red man
Why not move your feet?
The ear

forehead Eyes open
There is the red man
Where do look?
now moves

Walk comes and goes and comes and goes
not stop
What moves the red man?
not speak
This is your foot
The other foot
Now move your foot with your foot
Now open your bag
pulls a wooden horse
And a red carpet
Why has a wooden horse in your bag?
foot is painted blue
Now jump
not stop
This is the hub you have in your bag
head back So
profile What is the meaning of cube?
Now the cube apart
And reassembling
And it apart again
And Arnar again And it apart

weapon and disarmed him
And the weapon
What do you think the red man?
is now quiet.

This poem is in the author's website along with the work.

Another of his series is "Red People" , the idea is the same as "Red Man" , but in this captures people everyday situations that stand out from others by being dressed in red. In this case as a page with this work also found a verse that sums up the intent of the series, as in the previous work:

always will.
And there are days more. See ground everywhere. I have a collection of red people.

Marcy By Impex Model Number

Diana Mendieta (Mexico) by Joseph Cavanagh

contemporary artist born in Mexico in 1963

"it seems that my proposal jumps from one address to another simultaneously, subject to historical phenomena, social, economic, ethical and predetermined by the social experience of being a woman, and being a Mexican woman "

Tamale Cake , 2006
ephemeral piece / 80 rolls of wheat flour, corn leaves, loam, white maize seed / 18 x 130 x 130 cm.

contemporary artist I chose this because I am interested to see their works that makes use of everyday objects and their native country.
She chooses subjects that develop naturally in the environment where it moves, everyday anecdotes and learning.

Agua-cate (1), 2006
installation / avocado installed in the Laguna de Bacalar
100 x 120 x 50 cm.

I relate the works of the author with the Combined Arts Workshop, from your use Mendieta Daiana social objects that are naturalized in the everyday life of the Mexican people, appropriating, for example, food that make the basis of nutrition of its people such as corn, avocado, junk food, habanero chile, bread, wheat flour, corn seeds black volcanoes, etc., to give an entirely artistic and proposal to the surrounding society.

Bread and Water, 2006
installation / bread, wood, installed in the lagoon of Bacalar / 20 x 200 x 200 cm.

"I believe in energy that lives in everything that exists, as a creator I have a commitment to myself and to society. Has long been suggested to me that the works are proposed me to do instead of protests, which represent metaphors, or they were funny and even sarcastic. "
The artist chooses the facility as a means of representation of their proposals.

Campus h-men, 2005
popcorn seeds and popcorn / 99 x 20 x 20 cm.

Josephine Cavanagh

Monday, August 23, 2010

Perimenopause Numbness

Rachel Whiteread (England) Dahiana

Untitled (Stairs) 2001
Mixed media 3750 x 220 x 5800 mm


A matérica configuration register of the things the artist works with objects and architectural molds. Use colors and materials such as plaster, resin, rubber, rubber, fiberglass, cement dental, etc. Whiteread parts are solid blocks where the interior space of the objects is reversed out, ie, they are presented in negative (produced from casting molds from the inside of objects)
thus reveals the beneath the surface of everyday objects. The empty space that have tables, bathtubs, chairs, beds, doors.
In the perception of his works, quasi-objects, combines the feeling of being faced with something familiar and at the same time surreal. His pieces are sculptures in the traditional way, ie a volume foundries, but the space that surrounds it. Capture this space and is presented by highlighting the opposing concepts of full and empty, inviting us to reflect on the public and privacy and the presence and absence.

Untitled (Pink Torso) 1991
dental plaster pink

"House" 1993

For the purposes of this work I find it important to highlight the play "House", which I believe is related to the content addressed in the exchanged among other things for his character monumental, its implementation in a particular context that contributes to the reading of the work and resource utilization transdiscipline in its realization. All of these features, discussing the notion of traditional art, to bring out a crossover of the arts and the selection of resources according to the message you are looking materialize. Dahiana


Friday, August 13, 2010

Costco Grill Parts Searing Burner


Although not very normal to see you there, I was lucky to photograph this summer, this relative of the brown in the Farallon, compared to La Manga.

Where To Buy Wholesale Hair


A sunset on the Mar Menor, this charming fisherman is setting its aim to "snack" to see if you're lucky.