Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rememberance Language Wedding Program

Diego Melero

In front of their class, artist, sociologist and coach Diego Melero

the gym with Plato *
Abs and philosophy, unpublished assembly

never fails: a good poster of Body Systems, the multinational company that creates fitness programs, can make any place look like a gym, even without tools and without electronic music. In this well-known sociologist Diego Melero, bodybuilding coach and artist focused on installations and performances in relation to politics, "that put one in Beauty and Happiness Space: there, on Wednesdays, at 18, taught political philosophy the gym, a series of classes where he teaches exercise alternating with ... a discussion on current political and theoretical approach taking classical thought.
Melero had the idea while training bodybuilding routines, seeing how they behaved and what they were saying those attending classes. 'Many of the topics was about current affairs at all levels, the economic consequences in their lives and their expectations for progress.
It's Wednesday, and a small group attending the class, in the basement of Acuña de Figueroa 900. Some are The Republic of Plato, under the arm. It projects a video without sound of British band Dr. Feelgood and speaker emits very loud symphonies 74, 75 and 76, Franz Joseph Haydn.
After a series of squats and lunges, those that are good for quads and glutes, "Melero Announces floor exercises. And change the subject: "Some of you were reading the books 5 and 8 of The Republic, Plato" Then stretching weights
students (actually, bottles of water half a liter). "Get back to back and move her arms as if rowing," she says. Now they are in the Ionian Sea, arriving to the Adriatic. This is an exercise today and always. Back when Plato made three trips to the Magna Greece to advise the tyrant Dionysius and Dion. I wanted to take them and they made a more just government, advised by philosophers, that come close to an aristocracy. "
Haydn's music makes each attendee to move dramatically, although there is heard Could it be that it hurts your shoulder? again on the floor, all are placed face up and open and close the arms, working the chest. One student mentioned that the book 8 Plato speaks of two cities (states): one poor and one rich. "Just like now," he concludes.
a six-pack to the class. "At last we have the habit of putting Madonna," said Melendez. And so catchy rhythm and Hang Up Sorry more bearable harder exercises. After stretching, each participant picks up her copy of The Republic for read their favorite parts and compare them to today.
As the philosopher Lou Marinoff, author of the bestseller More Plato and Prozac least, is convinced that the philosophical and own and that of the great intellectual, is more useful to people to solve their problems than the very psychology Melendez says the classics of political philosophy used to understand the political reality of today. "Read Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Montesquieu, and Marx, rather than move to the past, connects us with situations that have not changed, such as mortgage debts, bankruptcies, the division of spoils after the war, tension between the individual and the State.

Melina V. Dorfman

* Published in print edition THE NATION
Friday May 4, 2007


"The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" (1999) Performance, painting on paper Dimensions variable

"The need for a philosophical religion between revolution and state"

"From bondage to the organization indiana state powers " Performance / Location: University of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo: H. Irigoyen 1430

" Property, State and Labor in the very late capitalism" . Performance / Submitted by Expotrastiendas

"The State in a time of Financial Control (2004) Performance

"The political catechism of the Leisure Class" painting installation at the Crossroads of Arts


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