I found interesting the proposal and the materials used to make it.
In a first instance, found in his work called "Fountain" was particularly attracted by the simplicity of its elements. I thought engaged in a daily dialogue through such elements as the body, water jugs and hose, developing common spaces such as a patio. The work consists of six women of different ages, interacting with water hoses.
A work of similar theme, but even more condensed, which is titled as "dyke." Also, with limited resources, Van Asperen plays in the dialogue between human interaction and the elements, in this case bags containing water.
The third book I wanted to highlight was the balloon made elongated bodies. Photo of entwined bodies, interacting, covered balloon, suggesting a kind of dress.
The scarcity of resources, both in this work as elsewhere I've found, is optimal in its language, dialogue, showing the synthesis of his reflections.
uses her body as a mighty tool of interaction with objects, and changes in the elements going beyond the actual use that they have.
She writes ...
My body
Are constructed as sculptures, leaving or entering the unconscious.
forms are forced to burst, then turn to another state of consciousness ideas transformed into other bodies.
The faces are covered and are joined by intermediate locations are not yet named.
is mirrored, to shape a new space that does not live outside of them.
They want to know is a new materiality.
are demigods, actors, and laws are the theories of love.
Monica van Asperen / year 2004
Are constructed as sculptures, leaving or entering the unconscious.
forms are forced to burst, then turn to another state of consciousness ideas transformed into other bodies.
The faces are covered and are joined by intermediate locations are not yet named.
is mirrored, to shape a new space that does not live outside of them.
They want to know is a new materiality.
are demigods, actors, and laws are the theories of love.
Monica van Asperen / year 2004
This artist uses photography as a theatrical tool to investigate human relationships. During the scenes, causing tension between the torque and physical confrontation. "The radiant latex bondage involve risk, and in no way be perceived as harmless, but rather as extensions of the body that drowned and as threatening as an instrument of torture. Despite the innocent nature of the material and device assembly, the images allude to the degree of oppression and resistance that can withstand and cope with the body. This tension is compounded by the confrontation of the characters: a man and a woman expectantly. " (Martinez Quijano, Ana, "The deceptive innocence of Monica Van Asperen, Buenos Aires, Financial Field, July 21, 2003, p. 3.)
this work artist has, plays on the duality of the concrete and ambiguous, the dualities of meaning mix.
What links bodies, also extrapolated. The element resistance exerted, is both weak and could in an instant break. The nakedness of the body is at once his only clothing, and ephemeral material which covers the body.
Victoria M. Vanni